Saturday, April 25, 2009

Don't Taunt Moose

Students were punished for taunting a moose in Alaska. They caused it to panic so much it threw itself into a wall repeatedly causing its death.

What amazes me is: has anyone ever seen how big moose are? They're HUGE. I would be too scared to taunt them

And yes, it has been a slow weird news day.

Owls at Home Depot?

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Underwires do more than add support

A Detroit woman looked out her window during a break-in at the apartment next door. One of the suspects shot at her. The bullet shatted her window and then bounced off the underwire of her bra. It never broke the skin.

It reminds of an article published a while back where a woman's breast implants stopped a bullet from entering her heart. Incredible.

So, if you wear bras, always wear an underwire: it will provide support and deflect bullets.

Keep the window closed....

Near Memphis, Tenn., screams and two gunshots caused a neighbor to phone the police. Six police cars responded only to open window and extremely loud television.

Atleast they have a concerned neighbor.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Open displays of tofu love = X-rated

A tofu-fanatic from Colorado was denied a vanity plate.

The plate would have read: ILVTOFU. The DMV decided the letters could be interpretted as profane and denied her request.

Hmmm.... I wonder what they mean.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Searching for Q

James Bond fans: here's your moment. The British spy agency MI5 is searching for a real-life Q.

They need someone to head their research department and man projects ranging from developing counterterrorism technology to tackling a biological or chemical attack.

Candidates should have "world-class scientific expertise and credibility in relevant scientific and technology disciplines, outstanding influencing and communication skills, experience of building an effective network and of creating a high quality team."

If you're British, over age 18, and interested, please visit the MI5's website.

So far, there are no salary descriptions for the position. However, I would imagine world-class scientist could make a pretty penny.

Simply, a Miracle

What should have been a murder-suicide turned out to be just a suicide. A man shot his wife in the head and went out to the back porch and shot himself.

His wife woke up, made herself tea, and when police arrived was holding a towel to her head and offered tea to the police. The bullet went through her forehead and exited the back of her skull without causing any major damage. She only spent three days in the hospital.

It definitely was not her time to go. This is by far one of the most incredible stories I have ever read.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Python Bites Man=Not news, Man Bites Python=Definitely News

A Kenyan man bit a python who was trying to attack him. The snake coiled around his body and even dragged him up a tree. However, after biting the python, he was able to grab his cell phone and call for help.


Sunday, April 12, 2009

Oh, the Irony

In a city in Washington State, the source of pollution in a nearby creek was discovered; it's the local environmental agency.

The office's sewage drain was mistakenly connected to a storm drain that ran right into the creek. The director of the agency said it was "embarassing and upsetting."

I had never given it much thought before, but I wonder how much pollution and energy all the environmental offices across the nation consume. Maybe they should calculate their carbon footprint. Something to consider....

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

That's a lot of lip gloss...

$1,200 worth of lipgloss is missing from a Victoria's Secret in New York.

Someone managed to take off with 74 tubes of "Beauty Rush" lip gloss. The sad thing is tens of thousands of dollars of lingerie has already been stolen.

Number one, if anyone has ever been into Victoria's Secret, they know that the lip gloss is always by the register. What were those ladies doing?

Number two, why on earth were there 74 tubes displayed in the first place?

Number three, why would anyone ever need that much lipgloss?

Anything can be summoned

An African Gray parrot was summoned to court recently.

The dispute is over who is its real owner. The bird flew away from the home of one lady 3 years ago and landed at the home of another woman. The two ladies met by chance, and the first lady (the original owner) wanted the bird back. However, the second lady felt that the bird was too attached and shouldn't be returned. So, lady 1 filed a lawsuit, and the courts returned her bird.

It just goes to show, nothing is safe from a courts summons and you can file a lawsuit over ANYTHING.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Don't throw Molotav Cocktails in the wind

In Florida, a man fighting with his neighbors threw a Molotav cocktail, which because of a wind shift, set his own cars on fire.

Aren't there several old sayings about not spitting in the wind and some more colorful phrases too? I guess he never listened.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

My only question is: Why?

College students crammed themselves into a phone booth, which was apparently a popular stunt in the 1950's.
I don't get it. It looks really uncomfortable and kind of dumb. Whatever.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Talk about embarassing...

A 15-year-old Florida student was suspended from his school bus for three days after allegedly passing gas. He was suspended for creating a disturbance.

According to the bus driver, it created a stench so bad you could not breathe. Also, the article stated that a few months ago a 13-year-old was actually arrested for passing gas.

What is wrong with law enforcement? Teenagers get arrested for doing something everyone does, but murderers get probation? I just think its a little ridiculous.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

This is kind of silly

Evidently there is one occupation that is seeing a boom in business these difficult economic times: psyhics and fortune tellers.

My thoughts are: if you're low on money, why waste it seeing a psychic?

Wait, just kidding, I think I am going to become a fortune teller.... I can see rough times in your future, but you'll get through. Now, you owe me $25. Please come back next week.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Please do

So, New Jersey is considering a ban on Brazilian style bikini waxes after two people were injured in their journey for a smooth bikini line (they got infections, ew).

For those who don't know, a Brazilian wax is where EVERY bit of hair is removed from the genital area, and yes, females and males get this done. Ew.

Oddly enough, genital waxing is already illegal in NJ, but the law didn't specify "Brazilian" waxes were illegal. So, the practice hasn't been under scrutiny. Let me just quote the article:

"Genital waxing can be dangerous in that the hot wax can irritate or tear delicate skin in the bikini area, resulting in infections, ingrown hairs and rashes, according to skin care experts.
Despite such risks, millions of American women - and some men - choose to have the hair down there ripped away, and a majority of salons in New Jersey offer the procedure for between $50 to $60."

Why pay for torture? Maybe I'm old-fashioned, but I really think that is unnecessary and a little gross. However, I'm afraid a ban would lead to a rise in underground, unlicensed bikini waxes. Perhaps even a mafia-style black market for hot wax? Maybe my imagination is going a little too far. Anywho, I'm done. Good job NJ.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I really don't think this took much investigation

Soooo, now I am back from spring break and posting again. I came across this lovely article this morning.

A man in Lousiana was arrested on drug charges. What tipped them off, you ask?

He was on his hands and knees, growling, rooting in the mud, and eating both mud and dog food. Hmmm....

Like I said, I really don't think it would have taken much effort to figure out something was amiss.

The oddest thing about this is: when I lived in Lynchburg, we had a neighbor who we affectionately called Crazy Carl. He was a mentally unstable Vietnam Vet. He would walk up and down the roads everyday. Generally, he was harmless. Well, one day, our dogs (we had eight) decided to rush and bark at Crazy Carl. He proceeded to get down on his hands and knees and bark back. The dogs freaked and ran back to the house. They left Crazy Carl alone from then on. And, honestly, I don't think Carl was on ANY type of drug; his behavior was just a side effect of whatever happened in Vietnam. But as a rule of thumb, I would say most anyone barking on their hands and knees is under the influence of something. lol.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Always listen to your parents

This is amazing: A 15-year old escaped injury and possibly death when his father told him to get off the floor and sit on the couch. Minutes later a drunk driver crashed through their living room.

Wow. This time listening to Dad paid off.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Can you "Conquer the Bomb?"

A casino started selling a 2-foot, 6-pound burrito affectionately named "The Bomb." For those who can finish it, they get "a most logical prize," unlimited rides on a roller coaster and a t-shirt proclaiming they "Conquered the Bomb."

The kicker is: If you start but don't finish the burrito, you have to take a picture wearing a pink shirt that says "weenie" on it.

I'm scared to see what happens after a person devours "the Bomb" and rides the roller coaster a few times.

Attention Doodlers

According to a new study, doodling helps memory retention.

I am not sure if I agree with the findings. I usually concentrate too hard on what I am drawing and miss everything that a speaker says.

Maybe for some, it works. I may have to try in some of my more boring classes.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Talk about an addict...

I know Facebook is awesome. I know that you can spend hours and hours "Facebooking stalking" people. I know it is addictive. But seriously.

A 19-year-old man stole a laptop after the guy who owned it said he couldn't borrow it to check his Facebook. He is charged with "robbery by sudden snatching." I didn't know there was such a charge, but evidently its a felony.

So, though Facebook may be as addictive as crack, don't steal for it. Please keep your Facebook cravings to a minimum by regularly updating your status and purchasing a phone or laptop that can access it anywhere.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Cat, I'm a Kitty Cat...

...and I dance, dance, dance, and I dance dance dance.

This is an old video, but I love it! I thought everyone could use a good laugh for the weekend. BTW, watch the WHOLE gets funnier and funnier.

In other news, some cats like water. A very cute "news" story that fits with the video.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Beware of Zzz-mailing

As if sleep-eating wasn't weird enough, there is now sleep e-mailing, affectionately called "zzz-mailing."

Apparently, the women in question e-mailed several people in her sleep inviting them to a party then woke with no memory of it. She invited her friends to come over and "sort this hell hole out." The recipients were instructed to bring wine and caviar "only."

The women sent other e-mails that appeared to be in an unusual language with odd capitalization and phrases. I really enjoyed ABC's coverage of the story.

Now I am scared to fall asleep. Who knows what could happen. I am sure the next wave will be sleep-dialing, sleep-texting, and sleep-working, the latter couldn't be all bad.

Anyway, bed manufacturers should consider adding restraints to avoid embarrassing/dangerous/weird mishaps while sleepwalking or sleep-anything.

And so many people thought Bush did some embarassing things

Okay, so most people have already heard about this, but I had to put in my two cents.

Japanese Finance Prime Minister Shoichi Nakagawa resigned after appearing drunk at the G7 conference.

Couldn't he have just waited to drink 'til after the conference?

Seriously, this is one of the funniest things I have ever seen. This tops all those Bushisms from choking on a pretzel and falling to the floor to all the dumb things he said.

I can't say any more...I may say some libelous and/or mean things. I'm done.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Don't know what to say

Very rarely does anything good ever come from a car crash, but the lady with the longest fingernails in the world had her nails broken in a car accident on Tuesday.

For those who don't realize it, fingernails are gross. Hookworm, bacteria, and other nasties live under those things. Ick.

So, I think its good for the general population's health that those giant nails broke. I just hope she doesn't grow them out again....ew.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Seriously, I can't decide which criminal is more stupid

The last criminal I posted about was stupid, but I think this is even worse.

A suspected arsonist was caught. She was video taped on a surveillance camera in a gas stationg singing, "The fire department is going to be mad at me." She is accused of setting off 7 fires.

Seriously. Some people just are not very smart. I group her with the guy that ran out of gas after robbing a gas station. If you are going to rob a gas station, get gas too if you're low. If you are going to set fires, don't sing about doing it in public.

This definitely qualifies as one of the dumbest things ever

I really love the headline for this story Man runs out of gas after robbing gas station.

Evidently, after robbing the gas station at knife-point, the man ran out of gas just up the road.

I can't even comment on how stupid that is; the story says it all.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Delivering more than milk

There has been very little weird news lately, but:

In the UK, a milk man was delivering marijuana along with bottles of milk.

What I find strangest about this story is: people still have milk delivered?!?! Evidently, the practice hasn't died in the UK.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Giving the finger could get you a felony charge...

In a New Hampshire town, a man was charged with a felony for showing his middle finger. Granted, he was violating a protective order by making the gesture at the person who filed it. The courts expect to dismiss the case but still...

Should he even be charged? I mean, I wouldn't like it if someone gave me the finger, but technically isn't it their first amendment right? And as long as it was from a distance did it violate the protective order? Maybe I should research the law on that one....

Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Naming of Cows

Sorry for the random T.S. Eliot reference, but I thought it fit.

Anyway, scientific research has discovered that naming cows actually improves milk production, which I find hilarious since I grew up on a farm. Most of our cows did not have names; there were too many.

We only had two cows that were named. Our best milk cow was affectionately named Dolly P. due to the size of her udders. Her baby, who was born on Halloween, was named Pumpkin. I will say that Dolly P. produced a ton of milk. So, maybe naming helps.

Either way, the article mentions that better treatment of cattle helps them produce more milk, which I think is the real reason the cows in the study produced so much more. Also, it makes more sense that if a farmer names an animal and humanizes it that they will treat it better. So, I really think that naming a cow makes very little difference, to the cow at least. I thought the article was cute though.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Technology is Fantastic.

I saw this story everywhere and had to say something.

While using Google Earth, Swiss police found a two-acre plot of marijuana.

Apparently, they had been investigating a drug ring and found the drugs hidden in the middle of a corn field.

I think this can definitely go in the history books as one of the top weird Google Earth finds. What amazes me is that they were able to tell the difference between the plants and investigate it enough to determine what they were seeing was true? I've used Google Earth several times, and I really don't know how people have such good eyes! It really is pretty incredible what people can do with it.

Go Swiss police!

Radio Shack Update

Sooooo, Radio Shack has evidently withdrawn from its voodoo campaign. Hmmm.....still, why start it in the first place?

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Do they really think this will work?

Weird news of the day from USAToday: Radio Shack, which is a U.S. based company by the way, is selling voodoo dolls to Mexican consumers to use against U.S. soccer players.

The Mexican fans are showing their support by mangling the dolls in hopes of giving the Mexican team a leg up and ending a streak of losses.

My first question is: why is Radio Shack, which typically sells electronics, selling these in the first place? Next, shouldn't a U.S. company be showing support for their own country's sports (rather than creating depictions of U.S. players designed for brutal torture)? Weird. Enjoy!