Saturday, February 28, 2009

Can you "Conquer the Bomb?"

A casino started selling a 2-foot, 6-pound burrito affectionately named "The Bomb." For those who can finish it, they get "a most logical prize," unlimited rides on a roller coaster and a t-shirt proclaiming they "Conquered the Bomb."

The kicker is: If you start but don't finish the burrito, you have to take a picture wearing a pink shirt that says "weenie" on it.

I'm scared to see what happens after a person devours "the Bomb" and rides the roller coaster a few times.

Attention Doodlers

According to a new study, doodling helps memory retention.

I am not sure if I agree with the findings. I usually concentrate too hard on what I am drawing and miss everything that a speaker says.

Maybe for some, it works. I may have to try in some of my more boring classes.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Talk about an addict...

I know Facebook is awesome. I know that you can spend hours and hours "Facebooking stalking" people. I know it is addictive. But seriously.

A 19-year-old man stole a laptop after the guy who owned it said he couldn't borrow it to check his Facebook. He is charged with "robbery by sudden snatching." I didn't know there was such a charge, but evidently its a felony.

So, though Facebook may be as addictive as crack, don't steal for it. Please keep your Facebook cravings to a minimum by regularly updating your status and purchasing a phone or laptop that can access it anywhere.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Cat, I'm a Kitty Cat...

...and I dance, dance, dance, and I dance dance dance.

This is an old video, but I love it! I thought everyone could use a good laugh for the weekend. BTW, watch the WHOLE gets funnier and funnier.

In other news, some cats like water. A very cute "news" story that fits with the video.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Beware of Zzz-mailing

As if sleep-eating wasn't weird enough, there is now sleep e-mailing, affectionately called "zzz-mailing."

Apparently, the women in question e-mailed several people in her sleep inviting them to a party then woke with no memory of it. She invited her friends to come over and "sort this hell hole out." The recipients were instructed to bring wine and caviar "only."

The women sent other e-mails that appeared to be in an unusual language with odd capitalization and phrases. I really enjoyed ABC's coverage of the story.

Now I am scared to fall asleep. Who knows what could happen. I am sure the next wave will be sleep-dialing, sleep-texting, and sleep-working, the latter couldn't be all bad.

Anyway, bed manufacturers should consider adding restraints to avoid embarrassing/dangerous/weird mishaps while sleepwalking or sleep-anything.

And so many people thought Bush did some embarassing things

Okay, so most people have already heard about this, but I had to put in my two cents.

Japanese Finance Prime Minister Shoichi Nakagawa resigned after appearing drunk at the G7 conference.

Couldn't he have just waited to drink 'til after the conference?

Seriously, this is one of the funniest things I have ever seen. This tops all those Bushisms from choking on a pretzel and falling to the floor to all the dumb things he said.

I can't say any more...I may say some libelous and/or mean things. I'm done.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Don't know what to say

Very rarely does anything good ever come from a car crash, but the lady with the longest fingernails in the world had her nails broken in a car accident on Tuesday.

For those who don't realize it, fingernails are gross. Hookworm, bacteria, and other nasties live under those things. Ick.

So, I think its good for the general population's health that those giant nails broke. I just hope she doesn't grow them out again....ew.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Seriously, I can't decide which criminal is more stupid

The last criminal I posted about was stupid, but I think this is even worse.

A suspected arsonist was caught. She was video taped on a surveillance camera in a gas stationg singing, "The fire department is going to be mad at me." She is accused of setting off 7 fires.

Seriously. Some people just are not very smart. I group her with the guy that ran out of gas after robbing a gas station. If you are going to rob a gas station, get gas too if you're low. If you are going to set fires, don't sing about doing it in public.

This definitely qualifies as one of the dumbest things ever

I really love the headline for this story Man runs out of gas after robbing gas station.

Evidently, after robbing the gas station at knife-point, the man ran out of gas just up the road.

I can't even comment on how stupid that is; the story says it all.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Delivering more than milk

There has been very little weird news lately, but:

In the UK, a milk man was delivering marijuana along with bottles of milk.

What I find strangest about this story is: people still have milk delivered?!?! Evidently, the practice hasn't died in the UK.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Giving the finger could get you a felony charge...

In a New Hampshire town, a man was charged with a felony for showing his middle finger. Granted, he was violating a protective order by making the gesture at the person who filed it. The courts expect to dismiss the case but still...

Should he even be charged? I mean, I wouldn't like it if someone gave me the finger, but technically isn't it their first amendment right? And as long as it was from a distance did it violate the protective order? Maybe I should research the law on that one....

Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Naming of Cows

Sorry for the random T.S. Eliot reference, but I thought it fit.

Anyway, scientific research has discovered that naming cows actually improves milk production, which I find hilarious since I grew up on a farm. Most of our cows did not have names; there were too many.

We only had two cows that were named. Our best milk cow was affectionately named Dolly P. due to the size of her udders. Her baby, who was born on Halloween, was named Pumpkin. I will say that Dolly P. produced a ton of milk. So, maybe naming helps.

Either way, the article mentions that better treatment of cattle helps them produce more milk, which I think is the real reason the cows in the study produced so much more. Also, it makes more sense that if a farmer names an animal and humanizes it that they will treat it better. So, I really think that naming a cow makes very little difference, to the cow at least. I thought the article was cute though.