Saturday, March 28, 2009

Don't throw Molotav Cocktails in the wind

In Florida, a man fighting with his neighbors threw a Molotav cocktail, which because of a wind shift, set his own cars on fire.

Aren't there several old sayings about not spitting in the wind and some more colorful phrases too? I guess he never listened.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

My only question is: Why?

College students crammed themselves into a phone booth, which was apparently a popular stunt in the 1950's.
I don't get it. It looks really uncomfortable and kind of dumb. Whatever.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Talk about embarassing...

A 15-year-old Florida student was suspended from his school bus for three days after allegedly passing gas. He was suspended for creating a disturbance.

According to the bus driver, it created a stench so bad you could not breathe. Also, the article stated that a few months ago a 13-year-old was actually arrested for passing gas.

What is wrong with law enforcement? Teenagers get arrested for doing something everyone does, but murderers get probation? I just think its a little ridiculous.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

This is kind of silly

Evidently there is one occupation that is seeing a boom in business these difficult economic times: psyhics and fortune tellers.

My thoughts are: if you're low on money, why waste it seeing a psychic?

Wait, just kidding, I think I am going to become a fortune teller.... I can see rough times in your future, but you'll get through. Now, you owe me $25. Please come back next week.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Please do

So, New Jersey is considering a ban on Brazilian style bikini waxes after two people were injured in their journey for a smooth bikini line (they got infections, ew).

For those who don't know, a Brazilian wax is where EVERY bit of hair is removed from the genital area, and yes, females and males get this done. Ew.

Oddly enough, genital waxing is already illegal in NJ, but the law didn't specify "Brazilian" waxes were illegal. So, the practice hasn't been under scrutiny. Let me just quote the article:

"Genital waxing can be dangerous in that the hot wax can irritate or tear delicate skin in the bikini area, resulting in infections, ingrown hairs and rashes, according to skin care experts.
Despite such risks, millions of American women - and some men - choose to have the hair down there ripped away, and a majority of salons in New Jersey offer the procedure for between $50 to $60."

Why pay for torture? Maybe I'm old-fashioned, but I really think that is unnecessary and a little gross. However, I'm afraid a ban would lead to a rise in underground, unlicensed bikini waxes. Perhaps even a mafia-style black market for hot wax? Maybe my imagination is going a little too far. Anywho, I'm done. Good job NJ.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I really don't think this took much investigation

Soooo, now I am back from spring break and posting again. I came across this lovely article this morning.

A man in Lousiana was arrested on drug charges. What tipped them off, you ask?

He was on his hands and knees, growling, rooting in the mud, and eating both mud and dog food. Hmmm....

Like I said, I really don't think it would have taken much effort to figure out something was amiss.

The oddest thing about this is: when I lived in Lynchburg, we had a neighbor who we affectionately called Crazy Carl. He was a mentally unstable Vietnam Vet. He would walk up and down the roads everyday. Generally, he was harmless. Well, one day, our dogs (we had eight) decided to rush and bark at Crazy Carl. He proceeded to get down on his hands and knees and bark back. The dogs freaked and ran back to the house. They left Crazy Carl alone from then on. And, honestly, I don't think Carl was on ANY type of drug; his behavior was just a side effect of whatever happened in Vietnam. But as a rule of thumb, I would say most anyone barking on their hands and knees is under the influence of something. lol.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Always listen to your parents

This is amazing: A 15-year old escaped injury and possibly death when his father told him to get off the floor and sit on the couch. Minutes later a drunk driver crashed through their living room.

Wow. This time listening to Dad paid off.