Saturday, April 25, 2009

Don't Taunt Moose

Students were punished for taunting a moose in Alaska. They caused it to panic so much it threw itself into a wall repeatedly causing its death.

What amazes me is: has anyone ever seen how big moose are? They're HUGE. I would be too scared to taunt them

And yes, it has been a slow weird news day.

Owls at Home Depot?

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Underwires do more than add support

A Detroit woman looked out her window during a break-in at the apartment next door. One of the suspects shot at her. The bullet shatted her window and then bounced off the underwire of her bra. It never broke the skin.

It reminds of an article published a while back where a woman's breast implants stopped a bullet from entering her heart. Incredible.

So, if you wear bras, always wear an underwire: it will provide support and deflect bullets.

Keep the window closed....

Near Memphis, Tenn., screams and two gunshots caused a neighbor to phone the police. Six police cars responded only to open window and extremely loud television.

Atleast they have a concerned neighbor.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Open displays of tofu love = X-rated

A tofu-fanatic from Colorado was denied a vanity plate.

The plate would have read: ILVTOFU. The DMV decided the letters could be interpretted as profane and denied her request.

Hmmm.... I wonder what they mean.